
Hakimpet is a village in Medchal district in Telangana, India. It falls under Shamirpet mandal.
Hakimpet is located near to Rajiv Rahadari Highway. It is located in the north outskirts of Hyderabad. Hakimpet is 15 km away from Secunderabad Railway Station. It has an average elevation of 597 meters. Hakimpet village falls under newly created Thumkunta Municipality, previously it was under Devaryamjal GramPanchayat. It is home to hakimpet Lake. It is a fast developing village in Shamirpet Mandal, Medchal district.
It falls under Medchal Assembly Constituency and Malkajgiri Parliamentary Constituency. The Hakimpet PIN code is 500078 and the postal head office is Nisa Hakimpet.
Hakimpet is surrounded by Medchal Mandal towards west, Keesara Mandal towards East, Quthbullapur Mandal towards west, Mulug Mandal towards North. The total area of Hakimpet is 1883 hectares. Alwal is the nearest town to Hakimpet. Alwal is 10 kilometers away from Hakimpet. Road connectivity is there from Alwal to Hakimpet. Bolarum Railway Station is the nearest railway station to Hakimpet.
Hakimpet has an Indian Air Force base known as Hakimpet Air Force Station and the Indian Army base is also located here.
It also has the Central Industrial Security Force, National Industrial Security Academy and RAF, CRPF Campus. Near to the CRPF Campus, the CRPF Public School is located. TSRTC Depot, both the Greater Hyderabad and Hyderabad Transport Academy, D'Marc Cricket Academy Hakimpet Cricket Ground and Telangana Sports School are located here.
Hakimpet is also home to the Telangana State Sports School, rated the best sports school in India at the 2017 at SFA Hyderabad Championship.