Halo (1996 film)

Halo is a 1996 Indian film directed by Santosh Sivan. It tells the story of Sasha, who is searching for her lost puppy in the streets of Mumbai and the variety of people that she meets.


Halo revolves around a seven-year-old girl, Sasha, who is in quest of her lost puppy. Having lost her mother in childhood, she yearns for mother's love and always feels lonely, even though there is a doting father in Rajkumar Santoshi. During vacation, when all the other kids are busy playing, she sits silently and doesn't even eat properly. So, the gluttonous servant fabricates a story that a miracle will happen in form of a Halo. There comes a street dog and Sasha believes it to be the miracle, the God-sent Halo. She adopts it and names it Halo. Now her life revolves around him. She sleeps, she drinks, she eats with him. Her father doesn't object. One day Halo is lost. Sasha is terribly upset. The quest of her lost puppy takes her through the terrifying streets of Mumbai to the neurotic editor of a newspaper, a gang of smugglers, a police commissioner and a colorful gang of street urchins.

Public viewing

The movie was first relayed on Children's Day in 1996 on Doordarshan.