Hangul (word processor)

Hangul Office is a proprietary word processing application published by the South Korean company Hancom Inc.. Hangul's specialized support for the Korean written language has gained it widespread use in South Korea, especially by the government.
The software's name is derived from the Korean word Hangul for the alphabet used to write Korean.

Hangul Office in English

As of May 11, 2020, Hancom rebranded their former English language ThinkFree as Hancom Office 2020 See Website https://office.hancom.com

Haansoft near bankruptcy

Haansoft was on the verge of bankruptcy after the release of its 2002 version, due to the widespread use of illegal copies. A campaign to support the development of Korean software and promote the purchase of legal copies of Hangul allowed Haansoft to recover.


Hangul has many versions, the latest of which is Hancom Office 2020 See Website https://office.hancom.com
Previous versions have included:
