Hans Shmuel Beyth was a German Zionist activist. Between 1935–45 he was a close aide of Henrietta Szold managing the Youth Aliyah, and from 1945 until his death in 1947 he was the leader of the organization in Palestine.
The Beyth family was a well established, rooted Jewish family in the small town of Bleicherode in Prussia, where they had helped to build up the local textile industry. Being located in Brandenburg-Prussia at that time, the Jewish community of Bleicherode dated back to the beginning of the 18th century, when the Prussian King encouraged Jewish settlement in town, and Jewish families contributed considerably to the economic development of that ancient Thuringian mining town at the crossroads of important trade routes. Typically for well-assimilated families with a strong German identity, during World War I, several sons of the Beyth family volunteered for the German army and at least one was awarded the "Iron Cross". Together with his brother Carl, and as many German "Bürgertum" kids of his generation, Hans had joined the Wandervogel, a naturalistic German Youth organisation very popular at that time, which promoted ideas like Youth Hostels. However, already before World War One, anti-semitism became quite virulent within "Wandervogel" and Jewish members were being systematically discriminated and pushed out. As a result, Jewish former members of Wandervogel, amongst them the Beyths, formed "Blau-Weiss", a Jewish Youth organisation, as early as 1912, also very early embracing Zionist ideas. After World War I, when Jewish people were blackmailed in Germany as being responsible for Germany losing the war and Walter Rathenau, a leading Jewish-born industrialist was assassinated by right-wing terrorists, Zionism became a very strong force in the Jewish youth organisations in Germany. Beyth helped very early to train young people in the so-called Hechaluz camps. He was instrumental in organising a Hechaluz camp in Wolfenbüttel. After 1933, he became a key member of the "Jüdische Jugendhilfe". He moved to the Netherlands, where he organized Hechaluz training in Harlingen, and in 1935 he made aliyah himself with his family.
In Palestine Beyth first worked as the representative for Germany in the Youth Aliyah, initially he was hired to organize accounting of the organisation as an experienced German banker. Because of his outstanding organisational competency he quickly became the closest aide of Youth Aliyah leader Henrietta Szold. Through his activities Beyth helped rescue thousands of Jewish children and youngsters from Europe. One of the most spectacular successes was the rescue of the so-called "Teheran children".
Leader of Youth Aliyah, Death
After the death of Szold in February 1945, Beyth took over the official leadership of Youth Aliyah. On December 26, 1947, he accompanied a convoy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which contained a bus with children being brought to Jerusalem in the context of Youth Aliyah activities. Beyth who initially intended to follow the convoy in a passenger car together with Golda Myerson from the Jewish Agency, instead took a place with the children in the bus, to allow a representative of Youth Aliyah from the USA to travel in the car. As common during that time, the convoy was fired upon close to the Arab exclaves of Latrun and later at Castel. Beyth returned the fire on the bus with his handgun and was killed in the subsequent gunfight.
Awards and Memorials
In 1954 Albert Einstein suggested awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Youth Aliyah and its founder Recha Freier. In Jerusalem a major through road is named after Hans Beyth. It connects Sderot Herzl and Sderot Menachem Begin.
AUFBRUCH DER JUGEND! - Ein Film aus dem Leben der jüdischen Jugend aus Deutschland in Palästina: im Auftrage der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder - und Jugend - Alijah Berlin, hergestellt von Lou Landauer. Bearbeitet von Eva Stern und Marta Goldberg
* Rahel Wischnitzer-Bernstein: Der Film der Jugendalija. In: Gemeindeblatt der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin, Jg. 26, Nr. 22, 31. Mai 1936
* N.: Unsere Jugend - unsere Zukunft. Ein Abend der Jugend-Alijah. In: Jüdische Rundschau, Jg. 41, Nr. 45, 4. Juni 1936