Happy Hustle High

Happy Hustle High, originally known as H3 School!, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rie Takada. The series is published in Japan by Shogakukan and in the United States in English by VIZ Media.


Happy Hustle High follows the exploits of Hanabi Ozora. Hanabi is an assertive 16-year-old who protects her less assertive friends. The all-girls school that Hanabi attends, Uchino High School, is merged with Meibi High School, an all-boys school. Once there, Hanabi meets Yasuaki Garaku, a student council member who is also a surfer. Yasuaki expresses the fact that he has no interest in girls. When the Girls' council and the Boys' council start to fight, Hanabi jumps in, hoping that she can convince Yasuaki to change his mind.


;Hanabi Ozora
;Hanabi's friends
;Yasuaki Garaku
;Yoshitomo Kuon
;Tokihisa Aido
;Takeru Suno
;Tsubasa Tamaya
;Kaoru Shirayuri


wrote for that is similar to an American teen film and "is a sweet, slapstick series with a great heroine... The plot is fast-paced, the characters are extroverted, and the art is pleasantly cartoony".