Harbour Lights (TV series)

Harbour Lights is a British television drama series, broadcast on BBC One, that ran for two series in 1999 and 2000. Starring Nick Berry as protagonist Mike Nicholls, a former Royal Navy officer who returns to his childhood town of Bridehaven to take on the role of harbourmaster. The first series featured on storylines including a blossoming romance with local constable Melanie Rush, the ruthless business dealings of Tony Simpson, and the inter-family feuding of the Blades — Steve, George, Jason, Kelly and Rita. Both series were predominantly filmed in West Bay near Bridport in Dorset, which acts as the fictional town of Bridehaven. The second series featured much harder-hitting storylines than the first, and was criticised by local residents for portraying West Bay in a bad light.
The complete series was released on Region 4 DVD on 3 March 2011. This is the only commercial release of the series available. The second episode of the first series, "Marie Celeste", was famously said to be 'missing' and was never broadcast on the BBC. It has, however, been shown during repeat screenings of the series on digital television, and is included in the DVD release.

Filming locations

Locations used for filming in the series include;

Series 1 (1999)

Series 2 (2000)