Harington (ward)

Harington is a Metropolitan Borough of Sefton ward in the Sefton Central Parliamentary constituency that covers the western half of the town of Formby including the western half of the area known as Freshfield. The ward population taken at the 2011 census was 11,780.

Current Councillors

Cllr Denise Dutton 2010 to present - Deputy Leader of Conservative Group in Sefton Council.
Cllr Simon Jamieson 2015 to present.
Cllr Prof Michael Pitt 2016 to present.
Denise Dutton was formerly the leader of the Conservative group in Sefton Council, while Simon Jamieson was the deputy. In May 2018, Jamieson became embroiled in an online row in which he labelled a student a "lefty pleb". Shortly after, he was removed from his post as deputy, with Dutton taking his place.

Historic Election results

Elections of the 2010s