Harmony Point

Harmony Point is a point which lies close west of Harmony Cove and forms the western extremity of Nelson Island, in the South Shetland Islands of Antarctica. It was charted in 1935 by Discovery Investigations personnel on the Discovery II, and named from association with Harmony Cove.

Important Bird Area

The 3453 ha ice-free point has been identified as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife International because it supports a variety of breeding birds, including one of the largest chinstrap penguin bird colonies on the Antarctic Peninsula with around 90,000 pairs. Other birds nesting at the site are gentoo penguins, imperial shags, Wilson's and black-bellied storm petrels, southern giant petrels, Cape petrels, Antarctic skuas, snowy sheathbills, kelp gulls and Antarctic terns.
The site is protected as ASPA 133. Its topography is undulating, rising to 40 m, with many streams Its abundant vegetation includes mosses, lichens, and two species of vascular plantAntarctic Hairgrass and Antarctic Pearlwort.