Harry Klinefelter

Harry Fitch Klinefelter, Jr. was an American rheumatologist and endocrinologist. Klinefelter syndrome is named after him.


Klinefelter studied first at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville and then attained his medical degree from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. After his graduation in 1937 he continued his training in internal medicine at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Klinefelter worked at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston from 1941-1942; under the supervision of Fuller Albright he described a group of nine men with "gynecomastia, aspermatogenesis without aleydigism, and increased excretion of follicle-stimulating hormone", the first description of what would be called the Klinefelter syndrome. Initially he suspected this to be endocrine disorder and postulated the presence of a second testicular hormone, but in 1959, Patricia A. Jacobs and Dr. J.A. Strong demonstrated that a male patient with the phenotype of Klinefelter syndrome had an additional X chromosome. Klinefelter confirmed, later, that the cause was chromosomal, rather than hormonal.
Klinefelter served in the Armed Forces from 1943–46 and then returned to Johns Hopkins where he remained during his professional life. In 1966 he was named associate professor. He retired at the age of 76.

Comments on the Klinefelter syndrome

Klinefelter described his findings as follows:

He described the patients:
He also described that a testicular biopsy shows "the atrophy and hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules with preservation of the Leydig or interstitial cells."

Klinefelter comments on gynecomastia:

On the later discovery of the extra X chromosome: