Harry S. Truman High School (Federal Way)

Harry S. Truman High School is a high school located in Federal Way, Washington, United States. It is part of the Federal Way Public Schools District.

Truman features

Truman High School has three academies:
The 23,300 SF building was designed for two semi-independent schools that accommodate 100 students each within an adaptable shell. Large multi-purpose areas for social interaction reinforce a sense of school community. Individual student workstations facilitate personalized activities and project-based learning. The school was designed to serve at-risk students, often one step from dropping out of school, through supporting small learning communities which reinforce personal connections within an open environment. of the facility can be viewed at the architect's website.
The design was recognized as a finalist for the 2003 CEFPI James D. MacConnell Award for Excellence in School Design.
The school shares a campus with the Federal Way Head Start facility, the Truman Garden, and the EX3 Ron Sandwith Teen Center