74. Ethnographic Notes on the Mru and Khumi of the Chittagong and Arakan Hill Tracts: A Contribution to our Knowledge of South and Southeast AsianIndigenous Peoples mainly based on field research in the Southern Chittagong Hill Tracts Löffler, Lorenz G. 75. The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet Kragh, Ulrich Timme 76.The Earliest Missionary Grammar of Tamil: Fr. Henriques' Arte da Lingua Malabar: Translation, History, and Analysis 77. Brahmanical Theories of the Gift: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Dānakānda of the Krtyakalpataru Brick, David 78. Bhāviveka on Sāmkhya and Vedānta: The Sāmkhya and Vedānta Chapters of the Madhyamakahrdayakārikā and Tarkajvālā Qvarnström, Olle 79. The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology Chhabra, Tarun 80. Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil I: Texte und Glossar Buddruss, Georg Degener, Almuth 81. Materials Toward the Study of Vasubandhu’s Viṁśikā : Sanskrit and Tibetan Critical Editions of the Verses and Autocommentary; An English Translation and Annotations Silk, Jonathan A. 82. An Early Text on the History of Rwa sgreng Monastery: The Rgyal ba’i dben gnas rwa sgreng gi bshad pa nyi ma’i ’od zer of ’Brom Shes rab me lce Iuchi, Maho 83. Into Sūr’s Ocean: Poetry, Context, and Commentary Hawley, John Stratton 84. Materialien zur Prasun-Sprache des Afghanischen Hindukusch, Teil II: Grammatik Buddruss, Georg Degener, Almuth 85. Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 1 Kṣemendra Bhaṭṭa, Sahaja Witzel, Michael 86. Materials for the Study of Gurung Pe, Volume I Strickland, Simon 87. Materials for the Study of Gurung Pe, Volume II Strickland, Simon 88. A Comparative Dictionary of Raute and Rawat: Tibeto-Burman Languages of the Central Himalayas Fortier, Jana. 89. Guardian of a Dying Flame: Śāriputra and the End of Late Indian Buddhism McKeown, Arthur. 90. Lokaprakāśa by Kṣemendra with the commentary of Sahaja Bhaṭṭa, Volume 2 Kṣemendra Bhaṭṭa, Sahaja Witzel, Michael. 91. The Two Oldest Veda Manuscripts: Facsimile Edition of Vājasaneyi Saṃhitā 1–20 from Nepal and Western Tibet Witzel, Michael. 92. Ritual Speech in the Himalayas: Oral Texts and Their Contexts Gaenszle, Martin. 93. Hindu Kingship Rituals: Power Relation and Historical Evolution, Nawaraj Chaulagain