Hasan Ali Toptaş

Hasan Ali Toptaş is a prominent Turkish novelist and short story writer. His first short story book Bir Gülüşün Kimliği was published in 1987. An important Turkish scholar, Yıldız Ecevit nicknames him "a postmodern modernist" and calls him "a Kafka in Turkish literature", in her work Türk Romanında Postmodernist Açılımlar. In fact, Hasan Ali Toptaş's 1999 Cevdet Kudret Literature Award winner Bin Hüzünlü Haz is, on the one hand, a postmodern novella in terms of pluralism, metafiction and intertextuality. On the other hand, it contains a lot of kafkaesque elements in terms of depicting an absurd, surreal and paradoxically mundane reality.
