Hassan Ghazi

Major General Hassan Ghazi was an Iranian footballer who was captain of Sepahan and was the main architect of the Iranian missile system in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps during Iran–Iraq War.


Ghazi was born on 9 July 1959 in Isfahan. After graduating from high school, Ghazi went to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.

Club career

He was captain of the Sepahan under-23 team. In 1974, he was considered one of the best Iranian players despite his age. Due to his talent, young age, and impressive performances, he was transferred to Iran under-23 team.

As developer of Iran's missile program

Ghazi took part in the 1979 Iranian Islamic Revolution. He had important roles in the Iran-Iraq war in the establishment of the first artillery and of the missile command center in AGIR.


On 1 March 1984, Ghazi was martyred during Operation Kheibar at the age of 24.


Ghazi Stadium, Ghazi Military base and Ghazi Bridge in Isfahan are named after him.

In popular culture

Shaghayeghe Ashegh, ed. Zeynan Ataee, Isfahan: Setaregane Derakhshan; consisted of brief biographies of Hassan Ghazi and a collection of memories of officers and other people about them.