Hatshepsut (king's daughter)

Hatshepsut was an Ancient Egyptian king's daughter of the 13th Dynasty, around 1750 BC. There are three instances where a person named Hatshepsut is mentioned. It is not known if these are the same or different individuals.

Hatshepsut, daughter of Queen Nofret

She is known from a limestone stela now in the Cairo Egyptian Museum and found at Abydos, where it is stated that she was the daughter of a king's wife Nofret. The name of her royal father is not recorded here. The queen Nofret is not known from other sources. Hatshepsut appears on this stela as wife of the military man Nedjesankh/Iu who had a second wife with the name Nubemwakh. On the stela is also mentioned her daughter, the lady of the houses Nebetiunet.

A 13th dynasty scarab

A king's daughter Hatshepsut is also known from a scarab seal. According to Ryholt the scarab can be dated to the time before Sobekhotep III on stylistic grounds.

Hatshepsut, a King's Daughter from the time of Ameny Qemau

In 2017 there was discovered a 13th Dynasty pyramid at Dahshur. In the pyramid was found a stone slab with pyramid texts and the name of the king Ameny Qemau. In the same pyramid was found a canopic box naming the king's daughter Hatshepsut. There were also found the remains of a human shaped, wooden coffin.