Hatsuyuki Sakura

Hatsuyuki Sakura, also known as Hatsuyuki Sakura: White Graduation, is a Japanese adult visual novel developed and published by Saga Planets under Visual Art's. It was released on February 24, 2012. A manga adaptation was serialized on Comp Ace. The first volume was released on May 25, 2012; volume 2 was released on October 25, 2012. The manga was written and illustrated by Daisuke Takino. An PlayStation Vita port has been released on March 23, 2017 by Entergram, Inc.


Hatsuyuki Kawano is a third-year student, one of the rare delinquents at his school. He reluctantly shows up in order to fulfill his graduation requirements. As the first snow of the year falls in December, Hatsuyuki encounters a beautiful girl wearing a white dress in the old town. She is wandering the streets in search of a rabbit. A few days later, the girl in the dress, Sakura, transfers into his school to take Hatsuyuki along towards the last winter.


Main characters

;Hatsuyuki Kawano
;Sakura Tamaki
;Aya Kozakai
;Yoru Azuma
;Nozomu Shinonome

Secondary characters

;Naoko Takeda
;Megumi Kanezaki
;Miki Kurusu
;Shizuka Miyatou
;Tamotsu Kubo
;Sai Shinonome
;Miku Fujieda
;Tooru Muroya
;Akira Kozakai


In Getchu.com, Hatsuyuki Sakura was 3rd best selling games during the month of its release and 29th best selling games in March. The game was also Getchu's 7th best selling games for the first half of 2012 and 10th best selling games for 2012.
In Getchu.com's 2012 Bishoujo Game Awards, Hatsuyuki Sakura won first place in overall, with won first place in Scenarios category and Musics Category, 7th in Movies category, 11th in Graphics category, and 20th in Systems category.