Haunted Junction
Haunted Junction is a comedy anime and manga series created by Nemu Mukudori. The manga was serialized in the monthly manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao! by MediaWorks from 1996 to 2001. The anime, produced by Bandai Visual and Studio Deen, aired between 2 April 1997 and 25 June 1997.Themes
This series explores some themes of folk religion such as possession, exorcism, shamanism, yurei, and yokai. In the final episode, some more existential themes are explored.Characters
Main cast
; Haruto Houjou
; Kazumi Ryudo
; Mutsuki Asahina
Shingo OumiSchool spirits
; Nino
; Red Mantle
; Giant
; Bones Suzuki and Haruo Sato
; Mirror Girl
; Toilet Hanako
; The Chairman
Weeping BeethovenVideo game
- Haunted Junction: Seitokai Batch o Oe!, a puzzle game developed by C.P. Brain and published by MediaWorks for the PlayStation, in 1997.