He-Man (film)
He-Man is a 2011 Chinese action comedy film directed by Ding Sheng. The film is a sequel to Ding Sheng's 2008 film The Underdog Knight. The plot is set in Qingdao, China where a discharged navy man Lao San is caught in the crossfire of a bank robbery. He becomes a crime-fighter for the city by working with the local police using his strong fighting techniques that he learned from his time with the navy.Cast
- Liu Ye
- Zhang Zilin
- Vincent Chiao
- Yoo Seung-jun
- Liu Hailong
He-Man had its premiere on March 23, 2011 in Beijing. It received a wide release on April 1, 2011. The film took in RMB7.8 million over three days on its release in China.