Headless Horseman (film)

Headless Horseman is a film that aired on the Sci Fi Channel in October 27, 2007, based on the legend of the Headless Horseman. The movie takes the tack that the 1820 Washington Irving short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" was the "white-washed" version and the events in this horror film is the real story. It stars Richard Moll and Billy Aaron Brown and is directed by Anthony C. Ferrante.


After going through the woods on the way to a party, seven teenagers stumble upon a town called Wormwood Ridge. The townspeople are celebrating a Headless Horseman ceremony, which unbeknownst to the teenagers requires human heads from young people. The teens, with the help of a young tow-truck driver named Candy, attempt to escape the town before they are killed. By the end of the movie only Ava, Liam and Candy are still alive, all the others having been beheaded in several different ways.
