Heartaches (1981 film)

Heartaches is a 1981 Canadian comedy film written by Terence Heffernan and directed by Donald Shebib. It stars Margot Kidder, Annie Potts, Winston Rekert and Robert Carradine. The movie is about a young woman, Potts, married to a stock car racer and carrying his friends' child. As she flees that scene, her husband races alongside her bus. On this bus, Potts' character meets the free spirited Kidder and the two women move in together planning to raise the baby. Dealing with romance and poverty, they learn that they have more in common than they thought.
It is unusual, in that is almost a sequel to Shebib's best known film, Goin' Down the Road. In this film two men- 'partners in crime,' deal with poverty, factory jobs, pregnancy, characters moving to the big city; all themes the two films share.