Hector Lombana

Hector Lombana Piñeres, was a Colombian sculptor, painter, and architect from Riofrío, Magdalena.
Lombana was born in Riofrío. One of the most prolific sculptors in history, his works can be seen all over the world, with monuments present in the cities of Cartagena de Indias, Santa Marta, Cali, Barrancabermeja, Bucaramanga, Honda, Cimitarra, and Villavicencio in Colombia, Penonomé and Panama City in Panama, and Coral Gables in Florida, United States. Famous examples include 'El Cangrejo', 'Los Zapatos Viejos', 'India Catalina', el 'Sendero Yuma', 'Monumento a la Solidaridad', among others. He died in Santa Marta, aged 78.