Hell Comes to Frogtown

Hell Comes to Frogtown is a 1988 American science fiction action film that was created by Donald G. Jackson. The screenplay was written by Jackson and Randall Frakes. The film was directed by Jackson and R. J. Kizer, and stars professional wrestler Roddy Piper as well as Sandahl Bergman, Cec Verrell, William Smith and Rory Calhoun.


This film is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where few fertile men and women exist due to atomic fallout. As a result, the government places a high priority on those that can still breed. Shortly before the movie opens, a group of mutant amphibians capture a group of fertile women and are using them as sex slaves.
Sam Hell is a nomadic traveler who wanders the countryside. He is eventually captured by an organization of warrior-nurses, the closest thing to a government in his region of the world, who reveal that they located him by tracking the trail of pregnant women left in his wake. Their original plan was to use him as breeding stock with their collection of fertile women, but this was the group captured by the mutants. With their own attempts to capture the women failing, the group presses Hell into service as a mercenary; he is to infiltrate the mutant city and rescue the women. To make sure that the rebellious Hell follows his orders, he is forced to wear an electronic protective codpiece that will explode if he disobeys or tries to abort his mission. Having already taken numerous samples of reproductive material from him, he is now deemed far more expendable than the women themselves. To aid him in his mission, he is paired with one of the nurses, Spangle, and an aggressive guard named Centinella.
During their journey to Frogtown, Hell tries numerous times to escape but quickly learns that a device Spangle carries will shock his genitals if used or if he gets too far away from it. Despite their rocky start and Spangle's initial cold demeanor, the pair grow closer during the journey and eventually fall in love. When they reach Frogtown, everyone involved is captured. The frogs' second-in-command, Bull, tortures Hell and attempts to remove the codpiece for its technology. Meanwhile, a slightly drugged Spangle is forced to work as a slave and dance for the frogs' Commander Toty in the notable "Dance of the Three Snakes" sequence. Proving more successful than she had wished, the nurse soon finds herself at the mercy of the aroused commander. However, with the codpiece now removed, the escaped Hell rescues her along with the group of fertile women held captive.


Critical reception for Hell Comes to Frogtown has been mixed to positive.
TV Guide awarded the film two out of five stars, calling it "Another of those futuristic, postapocalyptic science fiction dramas". DVD Talk gave the film three out of five stars, writing, "Rowdy Roddy Piper has to save the world by diddling beautiful babes and squashing six-foot mutant toads with crummy attitudes. What's not to like?" Jason Cook from The Spinning Image rated the film a score of six out of ten stars, writing, "Cheap and cheerful its narrative lulls and directorial shortcomings are glossed over by a winning central performance and a smattering of witty dialogue. Its no cinematic masterpiece, but were there any talking mutant frogs in Citizen Kane?"
Though not received well by critics, producer Randall Frakes says he was glad the fans seemed to like it and "...Get all the jokes as intended."


Hell Comes to Frogtown inspired the title of the "Hell Comes to Quahog" episode of animated television series Family Guy.
Hell Comes to Frogtown still makes an appearance in today's news sources being compared to Roller Blade Warriors.

Sequels and spinoffs

Hell Comes to Frogtown spawned one sequel, Return to Frogtown, which was released directly to VHS in 1993.
Toad Warrior was released in 1996 and later re-released as Max Hell Frog Warrior in 2002. According to Jackson, the film was intended as a stand-alone story.