Henrique Teixeira Lott

Henrique Batista Duffles Teixeira Lott was a Brazilian military and political figure.


A former military attache in the United States, Lott was promoted to General in 1944. After President Getúlio Vargas' suicide in 1954, his successor Café Filho appointed Lott, known for his loyalty to the constitutional government, as Minister of War. After Filho's leave of absence for health reasons on November 9, 1955, President of the Chamber of Deputies Carlos Luz assumed the Presidency, as President-elect Juscelino Kubitschek and Vice President-elect João Goulart were to be inaugurated next January. As the military itself were bitterly divided politically, there were fears that part of it, with support of President Luz, would attempt to prevent elected leaders from taking office. Lott played a key role in a so-called "Revolution of November 11", ousting Luz after just three days in power, and installing the next in line, Senate First Vice President Nereu Ramos until Kubitschek and Goulart were sworn in.
Lott continued to serve as Minister under Kubitschek administration. In 1960, by now Marshal placed in reserve, he was the term-limited President's hand-picked choice, running under the Social Democratic and Labour banner and was defeated by Jânio Quadros in a landslide. However his running mate, Vice President Goulart, was elected.
After Quadros' surprising resignation just seven months in office, Marshal Lott sided with those supporting Goulart's right to the Presidency. After the 1964 military coup Lott retired from public life, displeased with his colleagues ousting a legal government.