Henry's World

Henry's World is a Canadian animated children's series produced for Canada's Family Channel by Cuppa Coffee Animation, Alliance Atlantis Communications, but TV Loonland AG only produced season 1. It was first aired from 2002 to 2007, producing 26 episodes. The series follows Henry Wiggins, a boy who has an extraordinary ability to make his wishes come true when eating his mother's mushy carrots. This was the first stop-motion animated series to be entirely produced in Canada.


Henry Wiggins is the third oldest of five children. When he was just five years old, Henry discovered that eating his mother's mushy carrots gave him the ability to make wishes come true. Once eaten, Henry can make one wish come true. However, being only eight years old, his unusual wishes are often played out with unexpected consequences and his insatiable curiosity invariably spells disaster, but Henry also learns some of life's lessons along the way.
Henry shares his secret and misadventures with his best friend Fraidy Begonia, his faithful pet dog Margaret, and Doris, a dragon who lives in Henry's closet. Other characters in the show include Henry's Uncle Neptune, Ms. Pierre, Henry's teacher and the anti-hero Darwin, an overweight bully who sometimes teases and picks on Henry.


Season One

  1. Pet Dinosaur/Pirate Out of Water
  2. My Two Front Teeth/Goragh
  3. Triple Trouble/Tunnelling To China
  4. Is Anybody Out There?/Secrets
  5. My Gorilla Is Bigger Then Yours/Whither Weather
  6. Sugar Overload/Lady Luck
  7. Henry the Magnificent/Jump to It
  8. Hitch In Time/Doris' Day
  9. Love Is In The Air/Who's Afraid Of The Dark
  10. Middle Child Blues/Silver Tongue
  11. Carrots Away/Price of Lame
  12. Costume Capers/Fire's Out
  13. X-Ray X-mas/Darwin For A Day

    Season Two

  14. Super Hero Henry/Treasure Hunt
  15. Henry's New Shoes/Stuck on You
  16. Henry's Massive Munchies/Plant Life
  17. Home Run Henry/Henry the Brave Knight
  18. Henry and Henrietta/Stage Fright
  19. Happy Birthday Henry/Henry's Big Story
  20. Henry's Little Adventure/Henry the Cook
  21. The Chestervale Challenge/Fishing Friends
  22. King of Chestervale/Henry the Halloween Wizard
  23. Kung Fu Henry/Henry the Cowboy
  24. Now You See Me/Talk To The Animals
  25. Dad For A Day/Haircut Hoopla
  26. Henry's Christmas Gifts


Henry's World was also seen on ABC Kids in Australia. The first season of the show is available on a 2 disc DVD set from Echo Bridge Entertainment.