Henry Hildebrand

Henry Hildebrand is most known for being the founding principal of Briercrest Bible Institute for 42 years; the school is now known as Briercrest Family of Schools or Briercrest College and Seminary.


Born in 1911, Henry Hildebrand immigrated to Canada with his parents Peter and Anna, and the rest of their family in 1925 from southern Russia for political reasons. They settled near Winkler, Manitoba. At age 14, Hildebrand was converted at a Canadian Sunday School Mission summer camp.
In 1929 Hildebrand enrolled in Winnipeg Bible Institute, where he earned an undergraduate degree and completed a year of post-graduate studies. It was at this time he met Inger Soyland. A Norwegian by descent, Inger had come to Canada with a cousin to visit her aunt, but her return to Norway was cancelled when the Depression struck.
In 1935 he accepted an invitation to come to the small town of Briercrest, Saskatchewan, to lead the Briercrest Gospel Assembly. That same year Briercrest Bible Institute was founded. In 1946 the institute moved to Caronport, Saskatchewan, and a Christian high school was created. The Bible institute grew to become one of Canada's largest Christian post-secondary schools.
Hildebrand married Inger Soyland on August 12, 1937, and brought his new bride to Briercrest. Their family grew to include five children, Marcia, Evelyn, David, Paul, and Glen.
After his retirement in 1977, Hildebrand served as chancellor until 1990, and chancellor emeritus until his death. He and Inger moved from Caronport in 1992, but remained very involved in the ministry of Briercrest.
On October 24, 1979, Hildebrand was invested by Governor-General Edward Schreyer with membership in the nation's highest civil honour, the Order of Canada, for his leadership in Christian education through Briercrest and the impact of his life upon Canadian youth and society.


Winnipeg Bible Institute
Wheaton College
Winona Lake School of Theology


* Central Heights MB Church - Abbotsford, BC

Books published

* Contemporary Leadership Dynamics – Illustrations from Acts
* The Model of Servant Leadership –
* Living the Abounding Life–Empowered by the Holy Spirit
* Our Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father – Devotionals – Book 1
* Our Gracious and Loving Heavenly Father – Devotionals – Book 2
* Joyful Servants: A Biography of David and Jeannie Hildebrand –
* Our Gracious God and Loving Heavenly Father, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4