Henry Howe Bemrose (geologist)

Dr Henry Howe Arnold Bemrose FGS was an English printer, publisher, and geologist.
He, early in life, assumed the name of "Arnold-Bemrose" to distinguish his name from that of his father, Sir Henry Howe Bemrose and, upon the death of his father, reverted to the name "Bemrose". Arnold-Bemrose graduated B.A. 1879 from Clare College, Cambridge and then entered his father's printing firm of Bemrose and Sons, where he remained active for over fifty years. Arnold-Bemrose received his M.A. in 1882 and his Sc.D. in 1908 from Clare College, Cambridge. He was the Mayor of Derby for 1909.
He published over twenty papers dealing mostly with geology, as well as the 1910 book Derbyshire on the county's geology, history, antiquities, and architecture. He received the Murchison Medal in 1938.