Henry Royce Institute

The Henry Royce Institute is the UK's national institute for advanced materials research and innovation. The Royce is a partnership of nine UK universities and other research organisation partners. It is a hub and spoke collaboration between the University of Manchester, Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, Imperial College London, National Nuclear Laboratory, University of Cambridge, University of Leeds, University of Liverpool, University of Oxford and the University of Sheffield.
The cost of the institution, including the building in Manchester, is £235 million.


The nine-storey Hub building which is the focus of the University of Manchester's Royce Institute research activity is high, making it the second tallest current building on the campus after the Maths and Social Sciences Building. It has of space. It is be located next to the Alan Turing Building, close to the National Graphene Institute as well as the School of Physics and Astronomy, the School of Chemistry, and the Manchester Engineering Campus Development.
The building cost £105 million, and will open in Autumn 2020. Planning permission was granted in February 2017 and construction started in December 2017. It was originally going to be constructed on the site of the BBC's New Broadcasting House, but the site was changed to the main campus of the university.