Herbert Murray (footballer)

Herbert Murray MC was a Scottish professional football forward who played in the Scottish League for a number of clubs, principally Aberdeen.

Personal life

Murray's brother Arthur was also a footballer. Murray attended Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen University and taught at Robert Gordon Technical College. In early 1915, with the First World War underway, Murray enlisted in the Gordon Highlanders and received a commission on 9 August 1915. He was severely wounded on the Western Front in mid-1915 and sent back to Britain, where he served as a musketry instructor. He returned to the front in April 1917 and was awarded the Military Cross for bravery in the field during the Spring Offensive in March 1918. Murray was serving with the rank of captain when he was killed in the Bois de Courton, near Épernay, on 20 July 1918, during the Second Battle of the Marne. He was buried in Marfaux British Cemetery.

