High School Fleet

High School Fleet, also known as Haifuri before the first episode, is a Japanese anime television series produced by Production IMS. Yuu Nobuta is directing the anime and Reiko Yoshida is handling series composition, with character designs by Naoto Nakamura and original character designs by Atto. The series aired in Japan between April and June 2016. A manga adaptation illustrated by Kanari Abe began serialization in Media Factory's seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive December 2015 issue released on October 27, 2015. An anime film by A-1 Pictures premiered on January 18, 2020.


The story follows a girl named Akeno Misaki who enrolls at in Yokosuka, Kanagawa in order to become one of the highly regarded Blue Mermaids. As Akeno and her classmates set off aboard the destroyer ship, an incident with their instructor suddenly leads them to be accused of mutiny. Thus, Akeno must lead her crewmates in sailing the Harekaze as they try to find the truth about what's happening while also avoiding pursuit.



; Mike
; Shiro
; Tama
; Mei
; Coco
; Rin


; Hikari
; Mitchin
; Jun
; Ritchan
; Kayo
; Marikouji


; Sato
; Shu
; Mayu
; Tsugu
; Meg
; Matchy


; Maron
; Kuro
; Reo
; Sakura
; Luna
; Sora
; Hime
; Momo


; Mimi
; Mikan
; Hotchan
; Atchan
; Kaburagi


; Moka
; Mi



The anime series, produced by Production IMS, was broadcast in Japan from April 9 to June 25, 2016 and was simulcast by Crunchyroll, Daisuki, and Funimation. The series was directed by Yuu Nobuta and written by Reiko Yoshida, with original character designs by and character designs by Naoto Nakamura. The opening theme is "High Free Spirits" by TrySail while the ending theme is "Ripple Effect" by Luna Haruna. A character song single titled performed by Shiina Natsukawa and Sora Amamiya was released on April 6, 2016. The series is licensed in North America by Aniplex of America. The anime has been licensed in the UK by Anime Limited. A two-part original video animation project was released between March 31 and May 24, 2017.

Episode list

Video game

A smartphone game for iOS and Android devices titled High School Fleet: Kantai Battle de Pinch! has been announced for release in 2018.This was later pushed back to Spring 2019 due to the need for refinement. Pre-registration began at the same time as the initial announcement. The game was officially released on March 27th, 2019. An announcement was made on 26th February, 2020 that the game would be ending service on 25th March, 2020 at 2:00pm JST.
Aniplex partnered with Wargaming to bring the world and characters of High School Fleet to the online video game World of Warships


On April 7, 2018, the official website announced the production of an anime film on April 7, 2018. The film is produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Jun Nakagawa, with Yuu Nobuta serving as chief director. Takaaki Suzuki and Kunihiko Okada are credited as the film's scriptwriters. The rest of the main staff and cast from the anime series are returning to reprise their roles. It premiered in Japan on January 18, 2020.