Hindu eschatology

Hindu eschatology is linked in the Vaishnavite tradition to the figure of Kalki, or the tenth and last avatar of Vishnu names of the Supreme Being in Hinduism and before the age draws to a close, and Harihara simultaneously dissolves and regenerates the universe.
The current period is Kali Yuga, the last of four Yuga that make up the current age. Each period has seen a progressive decline in morality, to the point that in Kali Yuga quarrel and hypocrisy are norm. In Hinduism, time is cyclic, consisting of cycles or "kalpas".
Long ago when there was a war between all lokas as mentioned in the Shiva Purana, Vishnu Purana, Vayu Purana due to the unbalance created in the Verse as because the Mother and Father of this universe were separated. This was continued for years and years, but ultimately Trimurti knew that this was not the solution, but still they were unable to find out that what could they do. This was war was causing a huge destruction and still continued. As mentioned in Vishnu Purana that one day the Naga from Lord Shiva's neck uncoiled and stated "This world will continue its life on its own lapse and will work as the same karma chakra as now. All the lokas will remain in its place without any destruction as my head will hold them in place, All the grahas will live balanced as I henceforth will hold them with my garbå grïhåå and all the verse will be balanced. If from now in any Loka any destruction will be caused the responsible of all will be me myself. Till in the future when there will come a yuga when all the sense of beings will be lost, No magic will remain in the air of the sky, people will start killing each other from inside and this world will get ahead towards its deadline. If till then until and unless the world doesn't see their parents on their own and they take the world on their and hand and start from the zero. On that moment itself the world will start trying to destroy it self and will count on its last breath, Until there will be Shüñyå in all the dimension" this was proven to be as one of the boons and a gift that was provided to us and also considered as a curse. This deity who is mentioned int his story has been still a mystery as there is no records and man u scriptures related to this deity..there are not even any sign of this deity in any Purana but still there are stories which connects all of this together.
Each kalpa lasts for 4.32 billion years and is followed by a pralaya of equal length, which together make a period of one full day and night of Brahma's 100 360-day year lifespan, who lives for 311 trillion, 40 billion years. The cycle of birth, growth, decay, and renewal at the individual level finds its echo in the cosmic order, yet is affected by the vagaries of divine intervention in Vaishnavism. Some Shaivites hold the view that he is incessantly destroying and creating the world.

The Four Yugas

Within the current Kalpa are 1,000 cycles of a Chatur Yuga, each with four yugas. These ages encompass a beginning of complete purity to a descent into total decay, a devolution of dharmic principles.
A Chatur Yuga lasts for 4.32 million years:
, the last of the four ages, is the one in which we currently reside. This epoch has been foretold to be characterized by impiety, violence, and decay. As written in the Vishnu Purana in 100 BCE:
The fourth age is ruled over by Kali, not the goddess Kāli but the demon Kali. Puranas go on to write that kings in the fourth age will be godless, wanting in tranquility, quick to anger, and dishonest. They will inflict death on women, and children, and will rise and fall to power quickly. Undisciplined barbarians will receive the support of rulers.
From the four pillars of dharma—penance, charity, truthfulness, and compassion—charity will be all that remains, although it too will decrease daily. People will commit sin in mind, speech and action. Plague, famine, pestilence and natural calamities will appear. People will not believe one another, falsehoods will win disputes and brothers will become avaricious. As the each age progresses, the human life span decreases, starting from thousands of years in the Krutha Yuga to 100 years in the current Kali Yuga.
Sannyasins will wear red. There will be many false religions, and many will profess false knowledge to earn their livelihood. Life will be short and miserable. Marriage will be for pleasure alone. Being dry of water will be the only definition of land, and any hard to reach water will define a pilgrimage destination. People will hide in valleys between mountains, and suffering from cold and exposure, people will wear clothes of tree bark and leaves. People will live less than twenty-three years and the pretense of greatness will be the proof of it. Ultimately, humankind will be destroyed.


At this time of evil, the final incarnation of Vishnu known as Kalki will appear on a white horse. He will amass an army of those few pious souls remaining. These, together with all the incarnations of the Godhead which have appeared throughout human history, will destroy all demons and sins in the world.
As written in the Gita:
:यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।

Aditi is the mother of the eight Adityas or solar deities. At the end of creation these eight suns will shine together in the skies. Kalki will amass an army to "establish righteousness upon the earth" and leave "the minds of the people as pure as crystal." Those left, transformed by virtue, will be the new seeds for a higher form of humanity, and humanity will begin again.
Puranas write:
At the completion of Kali Yuga, the next epoch will begin, Satya Yuga, in which everyone will be righteous with the reestablishment of dharma and piety. This, in turn, will be followed cyclically by epochs of Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and again another Kali Yuga. This cycle will repeat till the larger cycle of existence under Brahma returns to the singularity and a new universe is born.

Brahma Kumaris

Within Hinduism, there are more distinguishing scenarios in certain sects. Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi of the Brahma Kumari has written that their prediction of the imminent end of the world is hidden from non-members. Within their tradition, the majority of the planet is predicted to become submerged beneath the ocean.


Sri Potuluri Virabrahmendra Swami, wrote 400 years ago in his Divya Maha Kala Gnana, or 'Divine Knowledge of the Time,' that Kalki would arrive when the moon, sun, Venus and Jupiter entered the same sign. This is not a rare occurrence and last happened in early 2012, passing without event.