Hinduism in Maharashtra

Hindus form 80% of the population. Almost all districts are hindu majority. Hindus celebrate all their festivals with culture and tradition. In every village of Maharashtra, at least a temple can be found. Gudhipadawa is a festival of Marathi Hindus. This festival is celebrated on Marathi New Year. Gudhi is sign of victory.


is a major tradition followed by Marathi Hindus. Varakaris are Vaishnav devotees. Vththal is a deity worshipped mostly in Varakari tradition.
Many temples are built in Maharashtra by some Varakari organizations and also by northern and southern organizations such as Svaminarayana, ISCKON, etc. So, a mixed culture is found in Maharashtra.
The main Deity worshipped I Maharashtra is Viththal. But, people not know that Viththal and Krishna are same because Krishna is worshipped as Shrikrushna.

Religion in Maharashtra


Maharashtrian Hindus worship many deities that are considered incarnations or manifestations of Vishnu.They also worship Shiv, Parvati, and Ganesh.
The following data is taken from 2001 Census of India.

Hindus by district in Maharashtra

Hindus are in majority in all districts and subdistricts of Maharashtra.
The data taken from 2001 census of india.
Almost all districts in Maharashtra are Hindu majority