Histoire de Dom Bougre, Portier des Chartreux

Histoire de Dom Bougre, Portier des Chartreux is a French novel from 1741. Allegedly the anonymous author was Jean-Charles Gervaise de Latouche. Histoire de Dom Bougre is one of the most celebrated French erotic novels of the 18th century, and one of the most frequently reprinted.
The novel was published under a variety of titles in French: Histoire de Dom B..., Histoire de Gouberdom, Mémoires de Saturnin, Le Portier des chartreux and Histoire de Saturnin. Translations into English have appeared under a similar variety of titles, such as The History of Don B., The Life and Adventures of Silas Shovewell and The History of Father Saturnin alias Don B*** alias Gouberdom – Porter of the Charterhouse at Paris.
The name Bougre refers to the French term boulgre meaning bugger.