Historical Romanian taxes

This is a glossary of historical Romanian taxes used in the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia.
Name of the taxEtymologyDescriptionPeriod
albinărit, stupărit, prisăcăritalbină, stup, prisacă tax on beehives-
cotăritcot tax on wholesales-
căldăritcăldare tax on alcohol distillation-
cepăritcep tax on taverns-
cerăritceară tax on wax production-
cocăritcocă tax on maize production-
dijmăritdijmă tax on beehives and pigs-
folăritfoale tax on cheese production-
fumărit, coșăritfumar, coș tax on chimneys-
ierbărit iarbă tax on the usage of a pasture-
jugărit, lemnăritjug, lemn tax on cartfuls of wood taken from the forest-
măjăritmăjar tax on cartfuls of fish-
morăritmoară tax on mills -
oieritoaie tax on sheep-
perperitperpertax on sold goods -
pădurăritpădure tax on forests-
podăritpod tax on crossing a bridge-
pogonăritpogontax on each pogon of land owned-
popăritpopă tax paid by the priests-
săpunăritsăpun tax on soap-
solărit Slavic sol tax on salt 18th century
tescovinărittescovină tax on grape brandy-
țigănăritțigan tax on each Roma slave owned -
tutunărittutun tax on tobacco cultivation-
văcărit, cornărit, sulgiuvacă tax on cows-
vădrărit, vinărit, vinărici, pivnicerit, otaștinăvadră, vin pivniță tax on wine produced-