Historical rankings of prime ministers of Australia
Several surveys of academics and the general public have been conducted to evaluate and rank the performance of the prime ministers of Australia.
According to Paul Strangio of Monash University, there has been little academic interest in ranking Australian prime ministers, unlike the numerous surveys conducted on American presidents and British prime ministers. The few surveys that have been conducted have been quite unscientific, with respondents chosen at random and no efforts made to measure personal biases. Strangio notes that "the dominant methodology for studying the nation's leaders has been individual-centered biographies the relatively small number of collective anthologies have treated each prime minister discretely rather than undertaking comparative analysis of their leadership performance, let alone contemplating qualities of greatness in the office".
Surveys of historians
''The Canberra Times'' (1992)
In 1992, The Canberra Times asked "almost 300 political scientists and historians at every Australian university" to nominate the five greatest prime ministers in Australian history; 143 responded. Five points were awarded to the prime minister each respondent judged to be the greatest, and so on down to one point for the fifth-greatest prime minister; some respondents awarded half points. Ben Chifley received the most overall points in the survey, although Alfred Deakin was nominated as the greatest prime minister by the most respondents. The four shortest-serving prime ministers were excluded from consideration, as well as the serving prime minister, Paul Keating. The total number of points was not published for prime ministers ranked outside the ten, only the order.''The Australian Financial Review'' (2001)
In 2001, to commemorate the centenary of federation, The Australian Financial Review asked six historians to answer the question "who were the best five and who were the worst five prime ministers since 1901?". Five points were awarded to each historian's choice as the best and worst prime minister, and so on down to one point for the fifth-best and fifth-worst prime ministers. Alfred Deakin was a unanimous choice as Australia's best prime minister, winning full votes from each selector; Robert Menzies also appeared on every "best" list. No one prime minister appeared on all six "worst" lists, although William McMahon appeared on five and James Scullin on four. Several prime ministers appeared on both "best" and "worst" lists, sometimes from the same selector. Stuart Macintyre considered Menzies to be Australia's second-best prime minister for his 1949–66 term, but also the fifth-worst, for his 1939–41 term. Likewise, Humphrey McQueen considered Gough Whitlam to be both the fifth-best and the fourth-worst, describing him as a "curate's egg". Macintyre was the only respondent to award half-points, ranking Whitlam and Paul Keating as the equal fifth-best prime ministers. The three caretaker prime ministers were excluded from consideration, as well as the serving prime minister, John Howard.The participants in the survey were Geoffrey Bolton, Graeme Davison, Ian Hancock, Stuart Macintyre, Humphrey McQueen, and Clem Lloyd. Geoffrey Blainey was invited to participate, but declined.
''The Age'' (2004)
In 2004, The Age asked fifteen historians and political commentators to rank Australia's eleven prime ministers from John Curtin onwards. Eleven points were awarded to the prime minister each respondent judged to be the greatest, and so on down to one point for the worst prime minister; some respondents awarded half points. John Curtin received the most overall points in the survey, as well as being named the greatest prime minister by the most respondents. William McMahon received the lowest possible ranking from all but one respondent. The two caretaker prime ministers during that time were excluded from consideration, but the serving prime minister, John Howard, was included.The participants in the survey were Judith Brett, Greg Craven, David Day, Michael Duffy, Brian Galligan, Ian Hancock, John Hirst, Carol Johnson, Stuart Macintyre, Alistair Mant, Andrew Parkin, Tom Stannage, Paul Strangio, James Walter, and Patrick Weller. Geoffrey Blainey, Marian Simms, and several others were invited to participate, but declined.
Monash University (2010)
In 2010, a team of researchers from Monash University asked "145 academics that were teaching or researching in the fields of Australian politics or history" to place Australia's prime ministers in five categories; 40 responded. Five points were awarded to prime ministers judged "outstanding", four for those considered "good", three for "average", two for "below average", and one for "failure". The three caretaker prime ministers were excluded from consideration, as was the serving prime minister, Julia Gillard. John Curtin received the highest average rating, 4.78, and he was the only prime minister who no respondents gave a rating lower than "good".Rankings by highest approval rating
It is possible to compare the highest approval ratings achieved by prime ministers in various opinion polls.Nielsen Poll
According to the Nielsen Poll, Bob Hawke had the highest approval rating in November 1984, with 75%, and the lowest was William McMahon, with a 34% approval rating.Highest Nielsen Poll ratings for each Prime Minister since 1972:
- Bob Hawke – 75%
- Kevin Rudd – 74%
- John Howard – 67%
- Gough Whitlam – 62%
- Malcolm Fraser – 56%
- Julia Gillard – 56%
- Tony Abbott – 47%
- Paul Keating – 40%
- William McMahon – 34%
Highest Satisfaction Rating
According to Newspoll, the highest satisfaction rating of any Prime Minister was Kevin Rudd's at 71% in August 2008, while Paul Keating has had the lowest high-mark satisfaction rating at 43%.Voters are asked the question: 'Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way -name- is doing his/her job as Prime Minister?'
- Kevin Rudd – 71%
- Scott Morrison - 68%
- John Howard – 67%
- Bob Hawke – 62%
- Malcolm Turnbull – 60%
- Julia Gillard – 50%
- Tony Abbott – 47%
- Paul Keating – 43%
Lowest Satisfaction Rating
- Paul Keating – 17%
- Julia Gillard – 23%
- Tony Abbott – 24%
- Bob Hawke – 27%
- John Howard – 28%
- Malcolm Turnbull – 29%
- Kevin Rudd – 32%
- Scott Morrison – 37%
JWS research
Asked "which, of the past five, had been the best government for Australia ?", responses were as follows:
- 50 per cent nominated the Howard government
- 13 per cent for the Keating government
- 13 per cent for the Hawke government
- 12 per cent for the Rudd government
- 4 per cent nominated the Gillard government
- 8 per cent responded as "unsure"