History Academy

History Academy is an organization composed of history researchers in Bangladesh. The organization was unofficially originated at Jagannath University in the 2001. It was registered on the official list of the Government of Bangladesh in the 2005. Its headquarters are located in Dhaka.


The purpose of the History Academy is to provide guidance for the study and research of retraining students and researchers. The history of the Academy is managed by an executive committee. The executive committee consists of a president, a director, five vice presidents, a secretary, an assistant secretary, a treasurer and five members. Anyone with a bachelor's degree in history can apply for membership in the History Academy.


In addition to Bangladesh, the Academy annually organizes international seminars on various topics to create The Academy organizes workshops on research methodology and contributes to the publication of research papers and books on the Apart from organizing an international seminar on History and Heritage, Establishment History Academy encourages researchers to study the oldest history traditions, archaeology, architecture, women's movement, feminism, arts, education, literature, philosophy, knowledge, science, religion and politics, history and culture.


The History Academy has published the following books:
  1. The political-economic source of religious sectarianism
  2. Biodiversity of the terracotta fruit of the Soompur Mahabharata
  3. The Early History of South East Bengal


The Academy published its first journal, entitled History of the Academy: Contemporary Historical Columns in 2003. Regular periodicals have been published on the initiative of the organization under the heading of History Articles from the 2009.