HobbyKids Adventures is an American animated web series created by Butch Hartman and produced by PocketWatch, Inc. and Billionfold, Inc. for the YouTube channel HobbyFamilyTV. The series follows the adventures of HobbyPig, HobbyFrog, HobbyBear, HobbyMom, and HobbyDad as they try to make the world a better place with their inventions while evading their archenemies, the SlobbyKids. The series was released on YouTube on June 22, 2019. It also was released on the Nick Jr. app on July 26, 2019. A second season was released on September 21, 2019.
Based on the real-life YouTube family from HobbyFamilyTV, HobbyKids Adventures follows the adventures of HobbyPig, HobbyFrog, and HobbyBear as they use inventions to improve the world while avoiding their archenemies, the SlobbyKids.
HobbyPig is the oldest of the siblings. He is a leader who jumps quickly into any new situation.
HobbyFrog is the middle child. Full of curiosity and bold ideas, he is an inventor who uses his skills to aid the HobbyKids in their adventures.
HobbyBear is the youngest of the family. He is known for his cuteness and often gets into mischief but loves having fun with his brothers.
HobbyMom is a rabbit and the HobbyKids' mother. She is a supportive parent who loves to have fun.
HobbyDad is a dog and the HobbyKids' father. Like HobbyMom, he enjoys fun adventures and always supports his family.
SlobbyRat is the de facto leader of the SlobbyKids and often comes up with plans to defeat their archenemies, the HobbyKids.
SlobbySkunk is a member of the SlobbyKids.
SlobbySnake is a member of the SlobbyKids.
GamerGoose194 aids the Hobby Kids in their quest to find the perfect video title.
After first premiering on the HobbyFamilyTV YouTube channel on June 22, 2019, the series has since streamed on Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and the Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. apps and aired on PocketWatch's 24/7 live-linear channel on Roku Kids & Family.
The first episode of HobbyKids Adventures amassed over 1 million views on YouTube within 5 days of its release and was well received by audiences. To date, the series has received over 30 million total views on YouTube.