
The Hohenbol is a mountain of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
The Hohenbol is a high mountain 2 kilometers from the town of Owen in the district of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg.
The Hohenbol is a foothill of the Teckberg and upstrimes this northwest.
The Teckberg and the summit of Hohenbol are a nature reserve protected area.
The Hohenbol is a witness mountain of volcanic origin. He is one of the 355 volcanoes that are known from the "Urach volcanic area".


It is originated in the Miocene, when one of the volcanic vents of the Swabian volcano forced its way through the surrounding rock. Through erosion of Hohenbol was exposed the softer surrounding material.


With a distinctive group of black pines on its summit, the Hohenbol is clearly visible.
The area of the Hohenbol belongs to the nature reserve Teck.