List of homelessness organizations
This is a list of notable organizations that provide services or work on issues related to homelessness.
- 100,000 Homes Campaign, a US program with the mission of placing 100,000 chronically homeless people in stable housing.
- Abahlali baseMjondolo, a popular, entirely non-professionalized and democratic mass movement of shack dwellers and other poor people in South Africa
- Acting for Life
- Ali Forney Center
- Anti-Poverty Committee, an organisation based in Vancouver, British Columbia that campaigns against poverty and homelessness
- ArchCity Defenders
- Association of Gospel Rescue Missions
- Back on My Feet, an American urban homeless outreach organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania centered on overcoming homelessness through running
- Barefoot Foundation
- Barnabus Manchester
- The Big Issue Foundation
- Bill Wilson Center
- The Booth Centre
- Breaking Ground
- Care For Friends, connecting Chicago's most vulnerable with resources to enable a better quality of life.
- Caretakers Cottage
- Carrfour Supportive Housing, established in 1993 to end homelessness in Miami, Florida
- Casa Alianza, a charity and NGO whose aims are the rehabilitation and the defence of street children in Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua
- Catching Lives
- Catharsis
- Central Iowa Shelter
- Centrepoint
- Church penitentiary
- Citizens for Public Justice
- Coalition on Homelessness, a homeless advocacy and social justice organization that focuses on creating long-term solutions to homelessness, poverty, and housing issues in San Francisco, California
- Coast Shelter
- Common Ground
- Community for Creative Non-Violence
- Community Solutions
- Compass Family Services
- Covenant House
- Crisis
- Dans la Rue
- Detour House
- Dignity Village
- Dome Village
- Downtown Emergency Service Center
- Drop Inn Center
- Emmaus
- Empowerment Plan
- Empty Homes Agency
- Episcopal Community Services of San Francisco
- Family Promise
- FareStart
- FEANTSA, the only major European network that focuses exclusively on homelessness at European level and receives financial support from the European Commission for the implementation of its activities
- First Step Back Home
- Florence House
- Freight Train Riders of America
- Frontline Foundation
- The Good Neighbours' Club
- HabiJax
- Habitat for Humanity
- Homeaid
- HomeGround Services
- Homeless International
- Homeless Nation
- Homeless Workers' Movement, an urban social movement that fights for low-income housing rights in Brazil
- The Homelessness Project
- Homes for the Homeless
- Homes Not Jails
- Hope Atlanta
- Horizon House
- Hospitality House
- Hotel de Gink
- Housing Justice
- Huckleberry House
- I Have A Name Project
- Interagency Council on Homelessness, a US federal program and office created by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1986.
- International Brotherhood Welfare Association
- Jesuit Volunteer Corps
- Joe Hill House
- The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation
- Karluk Manor
- LAMP Community
- Lighthouse Wien
- Long Beach Rescue Mission
- Mad Housers
- Manila Reception and Action Center
- Midnight Mission
- Milwaukee Normal School-Milwaukee Girls' Trade and Technical High School
- Najidah
- National Alliance to End Homelessness, a nonprofit organization which promotes measures to end homelessness in the United States
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
- National Coalition for the Homeless
- The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty
- New York City Department of Homeless Services
- Notting Hill Housing Trust
- Old Brewery Mission
- Operation Sacred Trust, a collaboration of nonprofits ending homelessness for veterans in Florida's Broward and Miami-Dade counties.
- Operation Safety Net
- The Outdoor Church
- Outside In
- Ozone House
- Pacific Garden Mission
- Palisades Emergency Residence Corporation
- Palladia
- The Passage
- Pathways to Housing, a not-for-profit organization whose goal is to provide housing for the mentally-challenged homeless of New York City
- Peachtree-Pine shelter
- Poor People's Alliance
- Poverello Center
- Project Compass
- Project H.O.M.E.
- Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness
- Quarriers
- Raphael House
- Restaurants du Cœur
- The Road Home
- Rosewater Limited Liability Company, a homeless advocacy organization founded in Cleveland, Ohio
- Rosie's Place, a sanctuary for poor and homeless women located in Boston, Massachusetts
- Rough Sleepers Initiative
- Rowton Houses
- Ruth Ellis Center
- Safe Horizon
- Saint Francis House, a daytime shelter for the homeless and poor in downtown Boston, Massachusetts.
- Saint Joseph's House of Hospitality
- SAMU Social, a municipal emergency service in several cities in France whose purpose is to provide care and medical aid to homeless people
- San Antonio Housing Authority
- Sanyukai, an NGO operating in the San'ya district in Tokyo, Japan which offers free services to the homeless
- The Scott Mission
- Seaton House
- Seattle Youth Garden Works
- Second Harvest Toronto
- Second Presbyterian Church
- Self-Master Colony
- Shelter, a registered charity that campaigns to end homelessness and bad housing in England and Scotland
- The Shoebox Project for Shelters
- Single Homeless Project
- So Others Might Eat
- The Society for the Relief of the Homeless Poor
- Society of St James
- South Park Inn
- Southern Youth and Family Services
- St Mungo's
- St Patrick's Church, Hove
- St. Anthony Foundation
- St. Luke's Lifeworks
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church
- StandUp for Kids
- Street Medicine Institute
- Street Outreach Program
- Streetlife
- Sulzbacher Center
- Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission
- Take Back the Land
- Taldumande Youth Services
- Tent City 4
- Thames Reach
- Tipping Point Community
- Toronto House of Industry
- Transitional Living for Older Homeless Youth
- Union Rescue Mission
- United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
- Veterans Aid
- Veterans Transition Center
- Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
- Water Street Ministries
- Wayside Chapel
- Weingart Center for the Homeless
- Welsh Presbyterian Church
- Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign, a South African social movement struggling against evictions and other causes of homelessness
- Western Regional Advocacy Project
- Wild Goose Café
- Wintringham Specialist Aged Care
- Yfoundations
- Youth Off The Streets
- Youthcare Hervey Bay