Homosexual recruitment

"Homosexual recruitment" and similar derogatory terms are used to describe the belief that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people engage in deliberate attempts to convert otherwise heterosexual people into adopting a "gay lifestyle". This belief has been widely rejected as false by sociologists and psychologists. Allegations of such recruitment have been used in opposition to institutionalized HIV prevention programs, anti-bullying legislation, anti-discrimination laws, in-school discussions of feminism and LGBT rights, and against the establishment of Gay-Straight Alliance school programs. They are seen as part of a larger narrative by opponents of LGBT rights to further the myth of gay people being predators.

Meaning and connotation

"Homosexual recruitment" and similar terms have been used in the United States to refer to the myth that LGBT people engage in a concerted effort to indoctrinate children into being LGBT as well, and becoming, according to some social conservatives and Christian right groups, part of a "lifestyle that can kill them". Supporters of recruitment allegations point at "deviant" and "prurient" sex education as evidence. They express concern that anti-bullying efforts teach that "homosexuality is normal, and that students shouldn't harass their classmates because they're gay", suggesting recruitment as the primary motivation. Supporters of this myth cite the inability for same-sex couples to reproduce as a motivation for recruitment.
Sociologists and psychologists describe such claims as an anti-gay myth, and a fear-inducing bogeyman. Many critics believe the term promotes the myth of homosexuals as pedophiles.
In a 1990 New York Times piece, gay writer David Leavitt criticized the term stating, "Of course, to any gay person who, as a frightened and confused teenager, searched desperately for books or films or television shows that offered even a mention of homosexual experience to latch on to, the idea of gay 'recruitment' is laughable. It is also profoundly insulting."
LGBT pride parades are often denounced as a homosexual recruitment attempt.

Examples of the term's use

The term tends to be used in the context of opposition to LGBT rights, policies which present LGBT behaviour as acceptable, and any discussion in schools and in sex education. Some examples:

Within the United States

In 1998, The Onion addressed the term with a satire entitled "'98 Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal", saying "Spokespersons for the National Gay & Lesbian Recruitment Task Force announced Monday that more than 288,000 straights have been converted to homosexuality since January 1, 1998, putting the group well on pace to reach its goal of 350,000 conversions by the end of the year." According to Mimi Marinucci, most US adults who support gay rights would recognize the story as satire due to unrealistic details. The Westboro Baptist Church and other groups passed along the story as fact. The WBC cited the piece as evidence of a gay conspiracy.