
Hone-onna is a yōkai depicted in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Toriyama Sekien. As its name implies, it depicts this yōkai as a woman in the form of bones.
In Sekien's explanatory text in the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki states that there is a story called Otogi Bōko in which an aged female skeleton would carry a chōchin decorated with botan flowers on it and visit the house of a man she loved back when she was still alive, and then cavort with that man. In other words, this refers to "Botan Dōrō, within the collection of writings called Otogi Bōko by Asai Ryōi. In the Botan Dōrō, a man named Ogiwara Shinnojō meets a beautiful woman named Yako and they become entangled almost every night, but one night an old person from next door catches a glimpse of it and sees the strange scene of Shinnojō embracing with a skeleton.
According to Tōhoku Kaidan no Tabi by Norio Yamada, there is an odd tale in the Aomori Prefecture about a yōkai under the title of "hone-onna". It says that in the Ansei period, a woman who was said to be ugly by those around her became a good-looking skeleton after death, and walked around town as a skeleton to let everyone see. It is said that she likes fish bones and would collapse upon encountering a high priest.