
Hoops and Yoyo are a pair of animated characters featured on Hallmark Cards. The characters were created by Bob Holt and Mike Adair in who also voice the duo. The characters have a website that features E-cards, animated episodes, an "Ask hoops & yoyo" section, desktop and phone wallpapers, audio snippets, IM icons, fan photos, interactive monthly calendars, a blog, a podcast, games, and merchandise available for purchase. The story lines center around two main characters: Hoops, a pink cat, and Yoyo, a green rabbit, and also feature a few other humorous characters joining them. Hoops and Yoyo tend to get overexcited and commonly start yelling or talking really fast. They both love coffee, cookies, and any treat. They're always happy, and always try to have fun no matter what happens.



The characters were used on the Hallmark Channel in November and December 2009 and 2010 as part of a special movie night block called Hallmark Channel's Movie Night with Hoops & Yoyo. This is the first time that Hallmark Cards and Hallmark Channel have collaborated. On November 25, 2011, Hallmark, for the CBS network, made a Christmas TV special with the Hoops & Yoyo characters, entitled Hoops & Yoyo Ruin Christmas. On October 26, 2012, Hallmark aired Hoops & Yoyo's Haunted Halloween.


In December 2005, Hallmark released a Hoops & Yoyo holiday CD entitled Jingle Jingle Wiggle. It features both vocal and instrumental music. All of the music is played by Yoyo. The CD also features the animated short "A Bongo Christmas." They have also released a CD entitled One Donut a Day! on July 1, 2007. It includes 19 short songs.

Banned graduation card

In 2010, Hallmark pulled an astronomy-themed Hoops & Yoyo "talking" graduation card off shelves after members of the Los Angeles, California chapter of the NAACP claimed that it contained a racist message. The greeting card contained the words: "And you black holes -- you're so ominous! And you planets? Watch your back!" However, the Los Angeles NAACP members felt that the card was offensive because "black holes" sounded like "black whores" in the recording. Hallmark denied that the card was in any way racist, but pulled it from its stores nonetheless.