Horishnia Vyhnanka
Horishnia Vyhnanka is a village located in the Chortkiv Raion of the Ternopil Oblast. The population of the village is 1202 people and covers an area of 16.53 km2
Local government is administered by Horishnovyhnanska village council. Perekhody village belongs to Horishnovyhnanska village council.Geography
The village is situated on the high left bank of the Seret River. That is located at a distance of from the district center of Chortkiv and from the regional center Ternopil.History
The remains of settlements Tripoli culture discovered in the village but the first record of the village dates back to 1518.
From 11th century to 1144 the village was part of the Principality of Terebovlia, then the Principality of Galicia–Volhynia, and in 1387 came under the power of feudal Poland.