Hoshi no Ko Poron

Hoshi no Ko Poron is a Japanese science fiction comedy anime series produced by Jiho Eigasha. Its 260 episodes were aired from April 1, 1974 to March 21, 1975, at a length of around five minutes each, each containing two shorts of at least two minutes in length.


The titular character, Poron, comes from outerspace to Earth. There, he soon encounters the native life-forms, although as a new arrival, he is unaware that he has ignored humans and instead befriends several animals. The mischievous animal folks, however, keep causing trouble in various places, by their naughty antics and bad behaviors. Poron, though exasperated, secretly unleashes his mysterious power, to save and punish them.


;Animal Folks


The series has become a popular internet meme due to its stories are non-existent, the characters are poorly drawn, and limited animation. It led to dozens of video remixes and MADs.