Hossein Alizadeh (cyclist)

Hossein Alizadeh is an Iranian cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Continental team. A former national champion, Alizadeh is an extremely powerful climber and, at his best, matches the best time-trialists. He is both able to sustain a high intensity during long, steep climb and he is feared and famous in Asia tours for his explosive attacks that often leaves the front group split into pieces.


Born in Tabriz, Alizadeh took his first international stage win as well as the overall win in Tour de East Java in 2010. Then the same year in Tour of Qinghai Lake placed 2nd in mountain classification and ninth overall. In 2012, after winning the Tour of Qinghai Lake as well as the mountain classification, he won the UCI Asia Tour. Alizadeh, by moving from to Italian-based, was hopeful to race in Europe but due to the reason the team was registered from Ukraine, could not get the visa, so was not able to race in Europe tours.

Major results
