
Howzzattt is a digital 2D animation series, focusing on the adventures of a bunch of cricket-crazy youngsters, who like to call them as 'Gulab Nagar Junglees'. The series was developed by Toonz Animation India. The 13 episode series first aired on Disney XD India from 13 May 2012 and was later syndicated on Discovery Kids India. It was developed by Renju Ramesh and Rathan Sam George.


'Gulab Nagar Junglees' are a bunch of youngsters, namely Guru, Gyani, Bull, Bablu, Shekhar and Ajay. These youngsters, under the coaching and guidance of Sweety Aunty, hone their cricket skills and go against a bunch of big bad bullies, who would play the game but never by the rules. Meanwhile, Col. Singh and Sweety Aunty are the die-hard supporters of the youngsters. Thakral, a wealthy businessman, is often at odds with the youngsters, subjecting them to one challenge after another. The youngsters take on challenge after challenge to get out of every tough situation they find themselves in. As a result, each episode is a cricket match against a new set of opponents. While the opponents vary, the youngsters often find themselves pitted against Thakral, who intends to acquire the Gulab Nagar Society land.
