Hugh Watson

Sir Hugh Dudley Richards Watson was a Royal Navy officer who became Naval Secretary.

Naval career

Watson joined the Royal Navy in 1885. He was on 6 May 1902 appointed 1st Lieutenant on the armoured cruiser HMS Sutlej, soon to be commissioned for service on the China station. The following year he was promoted to the rank of Commander, and appointed Commander of the School of Physical Training before becoming Naval Attaché in Berlin in 1910 and then serving in World War I as Captain of the cruiser HMS Essex from 1914, the battleship HMS Bellerophon from 1915 and the battleship HMS Canada from 1918.
He played one first-class cricket match for the Marylebone Cricket Club in 1908.
After the War he served with the Allied Post War Control Commission and then became Naval Secretary in 1921 before becoming Commander of the 4th Battle Squadron and Second-in-Command of the Mediterranean Fleet in August 1923. His last appointment was as Admiral commanding the Reserve Fleet in 1926 before he retired in 1928.