Hughie O'Reilly

Hugh 'Hughie' O'Reilly was a Gaelic footballer and manager for Cavan and Cootehill Celtic GAA Club.

Playing career

The Cootehill clubman is the only man to be involved in all of Cavan's Senior All-Ireland Championship victories. He played and won 2 All-Ireland Senior Football Championship medal in 1933 and captained Cavan to victory in the 1935 final. Hughie also featured on the 1927 All-Ireland-winning junior team.

Management career

He completed a record of three All-Ireland senior titles in 1947, '48 and '52 in the space of five years and National Football League titles in 1948 and '50 as manager for Cavan. Cootehill Celtic GAA's pitch in the town is named after him.
He was a great disciplinarian and laid most emphasis in training on the basic skills, of catching, kicking and passing the ball. He had the great attribute of being able to instil a sense of total confidence in the players, - a vital prerequisite for winning.
Hughie had 28 famous tips, many of which are still valid today.

1. Play your own area

2. Goalie, keep backs in position

3. Full backs, clear ball to wings

4. Backs mark closely, but at the same time dominate play

5. Backs keep between opponent and goal

6. Half backs place forward with clearance

7. Backs meet in coming forwards

8. Always mark free kicks

9. Never let the ball hop

10. Never turn your back on the ball

11. Two kicks are greater than one

12. Get in front of your opponent

13. When not in possession, get into position

14. Keep up pressure

15. Don't hesitate to shoot inside 30 yards

16. Shoot for points, goals will follow

17. Move into position for pass

18. Full forwards remember half forwards

19. Play ball on the ground

20. Go forward to meet the ball

21. Kick ball before being tackled

22. Always play the ball

23. Avoid clashing

24. Keep trying

25. Remember your opponent is getting it as hard as yourself

26. Keep moving all during game and take deep breaths

27. Get off the ground when about to receive a knock

28. Go out and win but for God's sake, play the game