Huidong County, Guangdong

Huidong County is a county of southeastern Guangdong province, People's Republic of China, with some South China Sea coast in the south of the county. It is under the administration of Huizhou City.

Administrative divisions

The county is responsible for the administration of one subdistrict and 13 towns.
NameChinese Hanyu PinyinPopulation Area
Pinshan SubdistrictPíngshān Jiēdào236,877329.22
Daling SubdistrictDàlǐng Jiēdào115,762160.23
Baihua townBáihuā Zhèn63,904203.61
Lianghua townLiánghuà Zhèn44,122177.7
Renshan town Rěnshān Zhèn63,662183.3
Tieyon townTiěyǒng Zhèn34,653120
Pinghai townPínghǎi Zhèn60,323136
Jilong townJílóng Zhèn78,77399
Huangbu townHuángbù Zhèn83,75697.7
Duozhu townDuōzhù Zhèn63,039408.96
Andun townĀndūn Zhèn36,297369.5
Gaotan townGāotán Zhèn7,399193
Baokou townBǎokǒu Zhèn7,565146.8
Baipenzhu townBáipénzhū Zhèn12,25874

Pingshan Subdistrict

is an area where people came to trade 40 years ago, now it is still functioning for this reason. And also because of historical reason, a road connecting Guangzhou to Shangtou was built like at least 30 years ago, the road was responsible for transportation the cargo from Guangzhou to Shangtou or vice versa, and due to this, drivers can take a rest in the middle of this long journey in Pingshan. They can have sleep in the automobile hotel, they can supply water to automobile engine, change the tires, etc. In those days, Pingshan is majorly growing foods, people from those time can trade their raw foods with whatever they need from the cargo buses.
This area is near the Pacific Ocean, the climate feature to subtropical climate. Winds or storm come from ocean in the summer, sometimes it is very strong, if people live in this condition, they will not last for a long time, but thanks to god, there is mountain lying from east to west, and it can weaken the storm if there is such, so people can live peacefully and can have generations. We always say, water is the source of life. And indeed, if there is no water in the area, there will be no people or plant, and all of this living things should thank to the mountain.


There is a bus service from Huidong County to Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport in Shenzhen.
