Hum Tower

The Hum Tower is a tall telecommunication tower located on Hum hill in the periphery of Sarajevo. The original tower was finished in the 1960s, rebuilt in the 1980s. During the Bosnian war, on 2 May 1992 it was partly destroyed by the JNA and VRS.


Hum Tower become one of the most important landmarks of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

TV transmitter was built in the 1980s at an altitude of 812 meters. It consists of a constructed object and the reinforced concrete pillar height of 78.5 meters.
On the antenna pole were installed UHF TV antenna system, VHF TV antenna system and VHF FM antenna system which broadcast analog radio and television signal. The facility was primarily used by RTV Sarajevo which broadcast four radio and three television programs until 1992.
During the Bosnian war, in 1992, antenna tower and the building suffered major damage, which are partially repaired after the war. The building and emission devices are under constant surveillance of duty technicians from national public broadcaster, BHRT.
According to international obligations, Bosnia and Herzegovina is planned to switch to digital broadcasting in April 2014, but that deadline is breached. Within the first phase of digitalisation in BiH at the facility Hum installed DVB-T transmitter 1 KW, UHF antenna system, digital RR links and parabolic antenna. Installed DVB-T transmitter will broadcast programs of public broadcasters: BHT 1, FTV and RTRS. Commissioning of this equipment is expected in the mid-2016.

Radio and TV frequencies

Most of Hum Brdo has been designated as a park and recreational zone called Park Šuma Hum, and a number of sports and recreational facilities are planned for the near future. The very top of Hum offers views of Sarajevo, as well as the mountains, Trebević, Igman and Bjelašnica.
