Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation

The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, dedicated as the Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Botanical Library in 1961, is a research division of Carnegie Mellon University. It was established as an institution of international bibliographical research in the fields of botany, horticulture, and plant science history. The Institute has a significant research library and art holdings on the 5th floor of Hunt Library. It has one of the world's largest botanical art collections, hosts public exhibitions, is home to a triennial botanical arts event, and also has a large collection of written botanical and bibliographic works.
It is named for Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt . She acquired a collection of botanical books and donated them to create the institute. An annual monetary award is given in her honor by the institute. It was dedicated October 10, 1961. A catalogue of the library's holdings was given out at its dedication ceremony.
The Institute hosts public exhibitions and includes four departments: art, bibliography, and a library. It is better known internationally than in the U.S. and includes one of the world's largest collections of botanical paintings, drawings, and prints dating from the Renaissance to contemporary works. Its Library has more than 30,000 works from an equally expansive time frame. The Institute has hosted the triennial International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration exhibitions since 1964. It coincides with the American Society of Botanical Artists educational conference in Pittsburgh.
T. D. Jacobsen succeeded Robert Kiger as the Institute's director in 2019. George H. M. Lawrence was the founding director.