Hunting Chris Ryan

Hunting Chris Ryan is a documentary produced by the BBC in 2003. It comprised three hour-long episodes, each pitting SAS veteran Chris Ryan against a four-man "Hunter Force" whilst he completed a set objective, his mission being evasion and ultimately extraction once the objective was complete. The series was re-released in the United States as Special Forces: Manhunt, broadcast on Discovery's The Military Channel.

The Hunter Force

The four men trailing Ryan are an elite squad of soldiers, they were given as the following;
Each of the missions was devised by Chris Plyming, a retired Captain of the Parachute Regiment. Plyming serves as radio contact for both parties, giving instructions and objectives to Chris Ryan and the Hunter Force.
JungleMosquito Coast,
Retrieve classified Special Forces equipment buried in a cache.Mission completed successfully
Locate a British spy satellite that has crashed inside the Arctic Circle and destroy any remains.Mission failed. However, despite failing to locate or destroy the satellite, Ryan was able to successfully evade capture. He experienced life-threatening hypothermia.
DesertTsodilo Hills,
Rescue a fighter pilot shot down over the Kalahari Desert and escape using a microlight.Mission failed.